PlayStation TV Australian Price, Release Date Announced

If revisiting old PlayStation classics from your childhood is something you’ve been itching for, then news of the upcoming release of the PlayStation TV in Australia is exactly what you’ve been waiting to hear.

The micro-console offers PS4 users a whole new dimension to the PlayStation experience, namely the ability to stream gaming to a secondary television, download and stream movie and TV content up to 1080i picture resolution, play PS Vita games through your television and, best of all, download classic PSOne titles.

The HDMI compatible PlayStation TV will feature roughly one thousand PSOne, PSP and Vita games available for download, with old favourites such as Metal Gear Solid, Spyro, Crash Bandicoot, Resident Evil and the Final Fantasy line available for around $6 a pop when the PSTV hits shelves on November 14 for $149.95.

A full rundown of the console’s capabilities and specs can be found at

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