7 Very Surprised Cats

We tend to think of cats as fuzzy, confident, self-assured lasagna hunters. Okay, maybe they don’t all go for delicious pasta treats, but they seem like a species that’s generally got their cat shit together. That’s why it’s funny to see a rare break in their velvety veneers and discover a look of panic. Observe…


Surprised Cat In A Car

They see me smilin / They filmin…


Surprised Kitty

That kitty’s also surprised about the video’s 56 million views.


Surprised Cat Says “OMG”

“His character in the movie was dead the whole time?! Oh… My… God…”


Shocked Cat Runs Away

Wait for it…


Surprised Kitty’s Rival

“I can be even more surprised than that has been!”


Surprised Kitty Is Very Dramatic



Surprised Cat Watches TV

I agree, kitty. The Japanese do have weird game shows.


Geoffrey Golden is the Editor in Chief of The Devastator: The Quarterly Comedy Magazine For Humans! Header via.