
Video of the Day: Puppy Takes Over Weatherman’s Remote Report, Forecast Very Excited to Be Raining Cats and Dogs

At this point, all of us have faced the harrowing challenges associated with working from home. There’s the way it eats into your free time, how you have to constantly stay busy for everyone to think you’re doing your job, and of course, the nonstop Zooms (why god, why???). However, every so often something great occurs only because we are working at home. Sometimes that’s daytime sex but it can also be a weatherman’s dog hopping on camera.

During the Global Toronto weather report, weatherman Anthony Farnell gets a visit from his scene-stealing puppy, “Storm the Weather Dog.” Storm is a very good boy who loves sitting, staying, and wandering on-screen while his human reports the weather. Anthony does what any veteran weather person would do. He tries to use his body as a human shield so the audience somehow will not notice that there’s a dog floating around.


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The weatherman’s dog steals the show with his eager disposition and cute little face. Eventually, it becomes apparent that Storm’s star power is too bright. So Anthony gives up and lets Storm give his two cents on the weather. The upcoming forecast is obviously raining cats and dogs. Hopefully, the kind that also forecasts the weather.

Cover Photo: @globalnews  (YouTube)