Woman Finds Stranger’s Bloody Tooth In Her Bag Of Cashews

Screengrab: YouTube/Fox 47

If you were eating a bag of cashews and somehow your tooth popped out and landed in the bag, that’s one thing. But if you were eating a bag of cashews and just happened to scoop up someone else’s tooth, well that’s just something that horror movies are made of. But a poor woman in Ravenna, Ohio had that experience.

Nickolette Botsford was eating from a bag of cashews while driving in a car with her mother when all of a sudden she felt something quite hard in her mouth (grow up). When she spit it out, her mother examined it and realized it was a human tooth.

“I got very upset, I was crying, I threw up two or three times,” Botsford said. A hospital actually confirmed the object was indeed a human tooth.

Botsford was treated for exposure to blood or bodily fluids. Botsford did reach out to Kraft Heinz Co., but all they did was send a courier to pick up the tooth, confirm that it was a “foreign object,” and reveal that it was investigating suppliers and the manufacturing process.

Gee thanks, Kraft.

According to Kraft Heinz they haven’t received any similar complaints. And we’re glad for that because the last thing we want is a bunch of random teeth showing up in our Kraft Heinz products.

h/t Huffington Post

And speaking of loose teeth: Stripper Punches Chef Who Called Her A Bad Mother And Knocks Out His Front Tooth


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