Dude Sets World Record After Sitting With A Face Full Of Bees For An Hour

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If you’re wondering what they were doing in Toronto, Canada recently, just know that they were staring at some dude sit on a chair while a ton of bees covered his face. Yep, that was their entertainment for the day.

The man, Juan Carlos Noguez Ortiz, actually took the time to sit in a plastic bubble on a public street while about 100,000 bees crawled all over his face. And get this, it was for 61 minutes, obviously setting a world record. Good going, bee-man.

Dude Sets World Record After Sitting With A Face Full Of Bees For An Hour

Ortiz, who works at Dickey Bee Honey Farm, had this to say:

“I wanted to show people that they don’t have to be scared of the bees.”

I’m still terrified of bees, buddy.

Oh, and according to Atlas Obscura, it seems this dude did all this in order to market a new film called Blood Honey, a film about a woman who becomes “stuck in a life threatening nightmare” after returning to her childhood home. And apparently there’s a scene where the main character is covered in bees.

Thanks, Hollywood!

Now check out the video below to see Ortiz covered in bees.

And check this out: Beekeeper Puts His Bare Butt On A Beehive For $1000


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