The Best (And Only Way) To Hide The Liquor In Your Party Pictures

Photo: Flashpop (Getty)

Regardless if your boss has caught you doing something awful already, you don’t want to risk your job even more, so it’s probably best to think twice before you share photos on Facebook where your boss, or even a potential employee can see them. Or worse, where your folks can see it. But you still want to share your party photos, right? Well, here’s a way to censor them.

Since you’re so eager to share those party photos and prove to everyone that people not only enjoy being around you, but that they enjoy being around you so much they’ve decided to be your friend, I think it’s only right we hide that liquor from all your photos. Now we can’t do much about your face or your hand gestures, but it’s the liquor that may make someone think twice before hiring you.

This is the only way to prevent all that chaos. Check it out below, folks.

The Best (And Only Way) To Hide The Liquor In Your Party Pictures

Well, hope you’re a fan of cats like these people.

h/t Pleated-Jeans

Speaking of hiding: Old Guy Kicked Out Of Retirement Home For Hiding Prostitute Under Bed