Florida Man Survives Shark Attack, Hand Does Not (NSFW Because Gross Pics)

Florida has it rough — not only do they have to deal with bizarre crime after crime, as well as a bunch of strange folks, but they also have to deal with sharks who just aren’t a fan of Floridians (probably). And one guy learned that the hard way.

Chuck Luciano, a 36-year-old Miami resident had his hand completely shredded, and holy hell does it look bad. The shark attacked Luciano, swam away and came back for another bite before Luciano was able to fight it away. And while he walked away with his life still intact, unfortunately his hand wasn’t so lucky.

Luciano believes it was a territorial bull shark because of how it came back for more. Luciano was surfing when the shark attacked him. “The second time he attacked, I was aware, OK, this is an attack, and I got to defend myself a little better,” Luciano said. “He was doing that aggressive shark twitching thing. I got to punch him right before he got too close to me but he still bit my right hand.”

Luciano did have reconstructive surgery on his left hand and doctors stitched up his right hand. A Go Fund Me account has been set up to help pay for his medical bills. And now, if you have the stomach, check out these gross, quite graphic pics of the aftermath of the attack.

Florida Man Survives Shark Attack, Hand Does Not (NSFW Because Gross Pics)

We warned you.

(Pictures by Giancarlo Zavala via GoFundMe)

Via Palm Beach Post

These folks also survived: 10 Amazing Shark Attack Survivor Stories