High School Soccer Coach Accidentally Sends Video of Himself Masturbating to His Players

That’s probably going to be a red card.

According to Uproxx, a 57-year-old high school soccer coach in Connecticut is in serious trouble after he “accidentally” sent a video of him punching his clown to several of his players.

Jeffery Sirois told authorities he uploaded the racy video to Snapchat and meant to send it to his girlfriend.

Yeah, that didn’t happen.

Several players who were chowing on pies at Husky Pizza in Mansfield caught a glimpse of their coach taking himself to pound town when the video link was sent to one of them instead. Naturally, she called over her teammates to check it out.

“Once I realized what I was watching I threw my phone down on the table and said, ‘guys, you have to look at this,'” she said.

Sirois maintained that he immediately realized his mistake and deleted the video within 15 seconds. He said that the video was intended for his girlfriend, as sending masturbation videos back and forth is something that they “occasionally do.”

State police still arrested the former coach of the E.O. Smith girls soccer team, and he now faces charges of obscenity, breach of peace and risk of injury to a minor, all because he thought a 57-year-old man being friends with high school girls on Snapchat was a great idea.

Hey, at least Sirois did it at home: Substitute Teacher Caught Masturbating on the Job


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