German Soccer Coach Continues To Stick His Hands In Odd Places And Then Smell Them

In case you missed the Germany-Ukraine soccer match last week because you were busy doing anything else, the highlight of the game came courtesy of Germany’s head coach Joachim Löw, who decided to first scratch his balls and then roll a “poop nugget” after digging in his ass on live television. And just when you thought it couldn’t get any more disgusting, Löw took it to another level when he brought his fingers to his face for the sole purpose of smelling the goods.

Well, it wasn’t a beanbag or an anus this time around, but Löw is making the rounds online again after he shoved his hand in his armpit and then took a whiff not once but twice during Germany’s Euro 2016 match against Slovakia yesterday.

That’s right, kids. Löw went full Mary Katherine Gallagher on us this time around.

The good news for people who are getting a kick out of watching Löw’s disgusting habits is that Germany curb stomped Slovakia to the tune of 3-0 to advance to the Euro 2016 quarterfinals. The bad news? You guessed it: He’s running out of filthy places to stick his hands.

This is considered coaching in Russia: A-Hole Russian Soccer Coach Kicks Kid