
Become the Next Big Thing in Tech With This Bundle That Will Teach You to Code

2020 has forced us to make a lot of life changing choices. Some of us finally evaluated our mental health, while others decided to give back to those who need it most. In many cases, a lot of us had to come to the realization that we do not have the dream job we always envisioned. It’s true that the job market is limited right now, but you shouldn’t sacrifice your sanity to stay in a position you kinda hate. There are a few ways to remedy this: you could spend beaucoup bucks on college courses to hone a new skill, or you could pivot and learn to code, so you can create websites, design apps, and build some sweet software with the help of this Premium Learn to Code 2021 Certification Bundle.

With 27 courses and 2,702 lessons, updated for 2021, learning the coding ropes is easier than ever with this bundle. These courses, designed for coders of all levels, will give you the inside scoop on programs and functions like Raspberry Pi, Javascript, C++, Python, and ROS2, just to name a few. The bundle includes courses that focus on the most important part of all: how to actually get a job doing this.

And while we know some online programs can be boring and sterile, you’ll find that this collection provides interactive, hands-on learning. The courses aren’t just slides and worksheets—they’re taught by expert web developers and engineers who have spent years perfecting their craft, including Rob Percival who has taught over 4 million students, bestselling instructor John Bura, 4.5-star rated Nick Walter, and other professional techies.

Lifetime access means the pressure’s off to become the next big thing in tech immediately; the courses will wait until you have the time between Zoom calls and that what-feels-like-millionth load of laundry. Over 51,000 students enrolled in the 2020 version of this course collection—and this one is updated with all the latest information you need to succeed.

Access the 270 hours of The Premium Learn to Code 2021 Certification Bundle for $59.99 (Reg. $4056). That’s a 98% discount, a small price to pay for learning a sweet new set of skills that can make you serious coin.

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