This is What Watch Dogs 2’s Main Character Will Look Like (Probably)

The first teaser for Watch Dogs 2 has been posted online by Ubisoft, with the developer offering a very small glimpse of what we assume will be the game’s main character. But although the clip may show little more than his arm (yes, the protagonist appears to be a man) and his untucked shirt, it does line up nicely with a motion capture screenshot posted earlier this year by an actor who is reportedly working on the game, meaning that we may already know who the lead character of the next game will be.

The short trailer, posted below, shows a character scrolling through their smartphone, which was used as a hacking device in the first Watch Dogs game. Check it out below:

Now here’s actor Cort King’s Instagram posts, in which he claimed he was providing the motion capture work for the “lead character” in a new game, before hashtagging the post with #WatchDogs2. Cort later set his Instagram profile to private after the image began garnering attention.

The screenshot of the character model and the character featured in the trailer certainly share a notable amount of similarities, including skin color and the untucked shirt, sweater, rolled up sleeves and jeans combo, meaning that this could very well be the same guy. With many being of the opinion that the original Watch Dogs‘ protagonist Aiden Pearce was a weak point of the game, there was a lot of interest in Ubisoft creating a brand new protagonist for its sequel. It seems that these wishes have been realized, and that the developer have gone for a bespectacled look for their hero this time around.