Morrissey Declines Opportunity to Go Head-to-Head with the Queen on Christmas Day


Morrissey has declined an opportunity from Channel 4 to deliver the TV station’s annual alternative Christmas message, which typically goes head-to-head with the Queen’s Christmas message played on the BBC, saying that Christmas “is not quite the time to be trading slaps.”

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Morrissey is a vocal opponent of the royal family, so many would have thought that he would have taken up Channel 4’s offer. However, in a post on his fansite True To You, he made his reasoning clear; he believes that the Queen’s speech displays the monarchy’s redundancy more than an alternative Christmas message ever could.

The former Smiths frontman/songwriter said: “My view that the monarchy should be quietly dismantled for the good of England is reasonably well-known, but I don’t think Christmas Day is quite the time to be trading slaps.

“The Queen should be allowed the impassioned trance of her annual address to the British people, if only to once again prove that, in her frozen posture, she has nothing to offer and nothing to say, and she has no place in modern Britain except as a figure of repression; no independent thought required.

“The Queen very well might be the most powerful woman in England, but she lacks the power to make herself loved, and the phony inflation of her family attacks all rational intellect.

“All over the world highly civilized peoples exist without the automatic condescension of a ‘royal’ family. England can do the same, and will find more respect for doing so.”

The US media has gone into a feeding frenzy at the moment as royals William and Kate, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, are currently traveling around the US, which is definitely the major news that everyone should be focusing upon right now.

Cover Photo: Jim Dyson / Contributor (Getty Images)