Noel Gallagher Responds to Liam Gallagher’s Oasis Reunion Suggestions

Noel Gallagher has responded to Liam Gallagher’s tweets that suggested a potential Oasis reunion, and his take on the “will they/won’t they debate” is a resounding “they won’t”.

Oasis fans were certain that Oasis were reforming yesterday, after Liam Gallagher sent out two cryptic tweets that suggested that the band was getting back together.

However, TV host and radio host Andy Goldstein, who is a friend of Noel’s, tweeted out the elder Gallagher’s response to the furor: “I just texted Noel asking about the chance of reforming …his reply ” There’s more chance of me and my ex-wife getting back together” So no.”

Liam Gallagher posted the letters “O”, “A”, “S”, “I” and “S” on his Twitter account yesterday, before tweeting “OASIS LG”. Fans inevitably kicked up a storm about the messages, believing that it was an indication that the Beady Eye frontman and Noel would yet again be joining each other on stage. Unfortunately for them, it doesn’t look like it’ll be happening any time soon.

Photo: Getty Images


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