PS4 Soars Past 7 Million Units Sold

The PS4 has been flying off store shelves since its release in November of last year. Now it’s clear that it’s so attractive that it can weather the storm of an early generation gaming drought.

Sony has announced that the PS4’s worldwide sales are beyond seven million, putting it well on pace to surpass the 10 million expected sales for its first 12 months on market.

Last month we learned that the PS4 was at six million, meaning that March and a portion of April added another million to the total. It’s biggest test is yet to come as May will be a month short on titles. However, The Last of Us Remastered Edition is right around the corner.

The PS4’s exclusive library will be soft for much of this year, but it has tons of intriguing indie titles and ports from PC to keep gamers entertained. Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn is this month’s standout, being arguably the best game on the platform since its inception.