5 Awe-Inspiring Acapella Covers That Will Blow Your Mind

I might be late on the bandwagon here, but for the past couple of days most of my spare time has been taken up by watching acapella covers of song that have, as the title of this article suggests, BLOWN MY MIND. With that being said, I thought I'd share my personal favourites with you…

Street Fighter II 'Guile's Theme'

With the beard of a formidable viking and the voice of a heavenly angel, YouTuber Smooth McGroove wins Crave Online's Official Favourite Person of the Month Award* by leaps and bounds with this unfathomably excellent acapella performance of 'Guile's Theme'.

*Award may not actually be official.


The Simpsons Theme

The only thing that would be more impressive than watching YouTuber Nick McKaig performing The Simpsons' theme tune with just his mouth would be watching him re-enact the couch gag with it.


Star Wars Medley

Corey Vidal doesn't just limit himself to the Star Wars soundtrack in this medley, applying his vocal talents to recreating Jurassic Park, Jaws, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, E.T. and Indiana Jones. Also, Wookiee noises.


Lady Gaga's 'Bad Romance'

On The Rocks's acapella performance of Lady Gaga's 'Bad Romance' is so hilariously cool that it almost makes up for their white guy baggy shorts 'n' sandals combinations.


Coldplay 'Paradise'

Mike Tompkins manages to do the impossible – make Coldplay interesting.