The Grudge CinemaScore

‘The Grudge’ Earns a Coveted ‘F’ in CinemaScore (And 10 Other Terrible Movies With an ‘F’ CinemaScore)

CinemaScore is a Las Vegas market research firm that specializes in polling average moviegoers as they exit the latest theatrical releases. It doesn’t correlate to the quality of a particular release, but it does give studios and marketing teams an indication of how satisfied they were with a given film. An A+ CinemaScore rating is a rare feat, but an F is even more scarce. Only 19 other movies have received such an honor, and the recently released, pseudo-reboot of The Grudge is now the 20th. In honor of this massive achievement, here are 10 other terrible movies with an F CinemaScore.

Cover Photo: Sony Pictures/Screen Gems

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