
Mandatory Top 10 of the 2010s: The Most Rocking Music Albums of the Decade

When it comes to rocking music, the 2010s have seen highs and lows. A few months before the decade’s dawn, Kanye West snatched the mic from Taylor Swift. West recently hit rock bottom by kickstarting what’s sure to be the religious equivalent of the Fyre Festival. He wasn’t the only musician the years took down a notch. Showy vocalists like Mariah Carey and Christina Aguilera lost out to more low-key singers. And, of course, musical greats like Prince and David Bowie shoved off this mortal coil.

But enough lows, let’s get high. Though Bowie passed, he left the album Blackstar as a parting rock gift. Groups like The Black Keys and Vampire Weekend continued turning out rock anthems. New acts like Girlpool and Kevin Abstract wowed audiences while smashing stereotypes. On this list, we’re counting off the top 10 most rocking albums of the last decade.

Cover Photo: Ryan McVay (Getty Images)

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