I Was Almost A Widow

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“Earth and water? You’ll find plenty of both down there.” The Chicago Sun-Times reports:

Gerard Butler is OK after being held underwater by some big waves while filming for a movie about a surfer at Mavericks, a famed Northern California surf break known for treacherous, stories-high waves. Filmmakers were shooting the 42-year-old “Of Men and Mavericks” star paddling out with competitive surfers Greg Long, Zach Wormhoudt and Peter Mel on Sunday afternoon, the San Mateo County Times reported (http://bit.ly/rwDfAI). The four were steering clear of a set of waves in the 15-foot range when a much larger set broke in front of them, said Wormhoudt, of Santa Cruz. Butler was held underwater for two waves and washed through some rocks while tethered to his surfboard, Wormhoudt said. A safety patrolman on a Jet Ski swooped in and picked up the actor. Butler was shaken up but not seriously injured, Wormhoudt said. He was taken by ambulance to Stanford Medical Center for examination and was later released.

Todd messaged me in a panic when the love of my life “almost died.” After I stopped stress eating long enough to read the article, I remembered that Todd is melodramatic. Let’s be real, the waves Gerard dealt with are little compared to what happens in my pants whenever I hear him talking about dining in hell. In any case, I’m glad he’s okay, though I wish he were somewhat incapacitated for a short time. It’d make the whole “stalk him until he loves me” thing a little easier if he couldn’t run so fast.