Charlie Sheen Had A Good Night

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Charlie Sheen is a drug-addicted sociopath who has had a long-standing love affair with whores and domestic violence, so he was probably rushed to the hospital last night because of exhaustion. Or, you know, being drunk lunatic. TMZ reports:

We’re told he was in New York City when there was some sort of medical emergency, and Charlie was taken to a local hospital. We’re now told at 2:07 AM, emergency dispatch received a 911 call for possible intoxication. Charlie was taken to New York Hospital at 2:30 AM. Police sources say Charlie went voluntarily and that Charlie was “emotionally disturbed.” Charlie is in New York to spend time with Denise and their two kids….The New York Post is reporting Charlie was drunk and naked in his hotel room at 2 AM when security was called. The Post reports chairs had been thrown around the room and a chandelier was damaged. The report also mentions that Charlie headed back to his hotel room with an unidentified woman and that he flew into a a rage after noticing his wallet had gone missing.

Wait, there’s more. More awesome that is! Life & Style says:

The police found a half-naked Charlie passed out on the bed and a woman, who was identified as an escort, screaming from inside the closet. “She was fearing for her life and was naked,” says the source. “Charlie was incoherent but started screaming slurs at the cops. They recognized him immediately and gave him two options: they could take him to the hospital or take him down to the station. Charlie chose the hospital.”

Because it’s annoying to call and report your credit cards stolen, it’s easier to fly into a unhinged rage and murder a prostitute then pull out her teeth and set her on fire so nobody will be able to identify her because your wallet goes missing. The poor woman shouldn’t have to dea…huh? Yes, this is a new wallet. Why do you ask?