Jay Leno Got Canceled

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After only five months, NBC has canceled the primetime The Jay Leno Show due to poor ratings. US Magazine reports:

“Starting Feb. 12, The Jay Leno Show will no longer air at 10 p.m.,” network chairman Jeff Gaspin said. “While it was performing at acceptable levels for the network, it did not meet our affiliates’ needs, and we realized we had to make a change. My goal right now is to keep Jay, Conan [O’Brien] and Jimmy [Fallon] as part of our late-night lineup.”…”I think you have to take chances. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don’t,” Gaspin admitted…Gaspin said he proposed “that The Jay Leno Show move to 11:35, The Tonight Show with Conan O’Brien move to 12:05 and Late Night with Jimmy Fallon would then start at 1:05.”

After a September debut which drew 18.4 million viewers, The Jay Leno Show has been like an airplane flying into a mountain after it got hit by Godzilla’s tail. Instead of Jay Leno sitting in a chair giggling through asinine questions, they should have just had a closeup of a wooden Indian with a duck on it’s head for an hour. I’m almost positive the ratings would have been the same.


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