Tom Hanks is a Hero

In Rome for the sequel to The DaVinci Code, Tom Hanks reportedly stopped in the middle of shooting to help a bride-to-be make it to a church that was blocked by the film’s set. FOX News says:

A woman heading for wedding bliss at a chapel found her path obstructed by Hollywood stars and a film crew busy shooting “Angels and Demons,”…Hanks, who will reprise his role as symbologist hero Robert Langdon, broke from shooting to dash to the rescue of the maiden by offering his arm and leading her and her father to the church…The “Forrest Gump” star even helped keep her train from reaching the ground on her way to the Pantheon.”

Man, it seems like you can’t even turn around anymore without hearing about celebrities putting others first with random acts of kindness. Just recently, Nick Hogan helped a 22-year old retire from the Marines, and it only seems like yesterday that Brandy helped a lady across the street with her car. Thanks celebrities!

Tom Hanks on set of Angels and Demons:


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