Justin Timberlake in Die Hard 4

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The confidence inspiringly named Moviehole is reporting that Justin Timberlake is being strongly considered to play John McClane Jr. in the upcoming Die Hard 4. Apparently everyone at Fox is okay with the fact that Justin looks absolutely nothing like Bruce Willis, but pictures of Justin Timberlake are hard to come by, so maybe no one at Fox has actually seen him yet. And as dumb as that last idea may be, it’s still smarter than Justin as John McClane Jr. But the trump card of dumb in all this may be the casting of Jessica Simpson as Justin’s sister, Lucy McClane. Justin and Jessica may look good on an Aryan youth recruiting poster* – you wouldn’t even have to change their names – but some may question how a dude with dark coloring and a chick with red hair could give birth to Icelandic royalty.

Another interesting note is that Ben Aflleck was often mentioned in the role as McClanes kid, but it was decided that his box office appeal wasn’t what it once was. If you’re Affleck, and you’re told that Timberlake is a better box office draw than you – even though he’s never actually been in a movie – that’s ungood.

* “Justin and Jessica say, ‘Don’t you guys hate Poland? I sure do!'”