BMX rider jumps while doing cross bar trick.

This BMX Rider Almost Destroyed His Testicles On A Gate

Photo: homydesign (Getty)

I haven’t been on a bike in years as last time I was on one I’m pretty certain I was quickly reminded that I’m terrible at it, but some people are pretty great at it. One of those people? BMX rider Anthony Napo. But hell, even though that are great at it sometimes they fail, and Napo recently failed so hard he almost lost his testicles (and his life).

The internet can’t stop watching a recent video that Napo shared on his Instagram, a video that has gone viral after Sportscenter shared it on their Twitter, too. In the video, Napo is doing tricks when he suddenly ends up on top of a fence, almost impaling himself.

Check out the crazy video below thanks to Napo’s Instagram.

Holy hell, that is one lucky dude. And Twitter reacted to this video as well. Have a look:

h/t Someecards

Now check this out: Watching Cyclists Pry A Bike Off Of A Live Electric Fence Is Sheer Entertainment