Hero Knocks Down Moped Thieves Who Try To Take Woman’s Purse

Screenshot: YouTube/Viral Hog

Is there anything more dorky than a thief on a moped? Probably not.

Thanks to one random hero out in Islington, North London, a woman still has her purse with her today. And thanks to someone’s dashcam we can see the entire incident. The footage below shows two idiots on a moped mount a sidewalk in order to grab a woman’s purse as she walked. But the thieves couldn’t take off with the purse as one guy jumps into the street, knocks off one of the thieves, which forces him to let go of the purse.

Check out the video below.

Hero Knocks Down Moped Thieves Who Try To Take Woman’s Purse

The driver who filmed the incident says he had been following the moped because they seemed to be prowling the streets and looking for potential victims. It seems like at the moment the moped idiots have not been caught yet, but kudos to that dude who risked his own safety in order to do a good deed and look like a bad ass all at the same time.

He’s no John Wick, but we still commend him.

h/t Daily Mail

Now watch this video: Cyclist Nearly Has Bike Stolen Seconds After Leaving It Unlocked, Tackles Thief


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