Soccer Dad Head Butts Guy Out Of Nowhere, Quickly Gets The Beating Of A Lifetime

I guess this is what needs to happen for soccer to be entertaining.

People are always going to get themselves in unnecessary fights, and there will always be one person that probably regrets getting into that fight because they got their ass beat. Just take for example the guy who called himself “Satan’s son” before getting knocked out. Or just take a look at these two rednecks who beat the crap out of each other for the last beer. Actually, that one I can understand. Well now it’s all about a pissed off soccer dad at some kid’s soccer game who got beat up for landing a cheap head butt.

So what we have here is one soccer dad yelling at what looks like another soccer dad. And what we have here is one soccer dad getting a head butt in before meeting the other guy’s fists of fury.

Take a look at it below.

Soccer Dad Head Butts Guy Out Of Nowhere, Quickly Gets The Beating Of A Lifetime

Man, since soccer is boring that dude’s kid wasn’t even paying attention to what was happening on the field and instead was probably watching his dad get quite the beatdown. How are you going to explain that one, dad?

h/t Bro Bible

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