Drunk Fan Loves His Popcorn

“This guy really is a hero, in a way. It’s raining, no one else is around him, his team was probably losing. And he’s just chillin’ like a villain. No f-. It’s inspiring, really. I love it when people do this kind of thing.” – ‘The American Kid

I couldn’t have said it better myself. Washington St. was getting destroyed by Stanford (they lost 55-17) and this guy is just drowning his sorrows… momentarily, in a bag of popcorn. And you gotta love the commentators not only for acknowledging the man, but also enjoying it like the rest of us. No question they made the video even better. At that point, I’m sure that foot-tapping, foam-finger-wearing, popcorn-loving guy was about a million times more entertaining than the game, too. The guy really had no cares in the world… For that sir, wherever you are, we salute you.