‘Harry Potter & The Prisoner Of Azkaban’ Coming To Sydney Symphony Concert Series

Harry Potter And The Prizoner Of Azkaban is coming to the Sydney Symphony Orchestra‘s running film concert series, as the third Harry Potter novel the company has transformed into a symphonic extravaganza.

The ‘Harry Potter Film Concert Series’ will return to the Sydney Opera House in April 2018, as Harry Potter And The Prizoner Of Azkaban is screened in HD on a 40-feet screen, while the soundtrack is performed alongside by the SSO.

J.K. Rowling’s world of wizards (and muggles) was first concert-ised in June 2016 with Harry Potter And The Philosopher’s Stone, before orchestras later took their wands to The Chamber Of Secrets.

Catch all the details for the SSO’s upcoming performances of Harry Potter And The Prizoner Of Azkaban, below.

Sydney Symphony Orchestra: ‘Harry Potter And The Prizoner Of Azkaban’

Tickets on sale 9am Friday, 13th October

Wednesday, 18th — Friday, 20th April 2018

Sydney Opera House, Sydney

Tickets: Sydney Symphony Orchestra