Online Group Attempts to Blackmail Lucasfilm by Releasing Star Wars: The Force Awakens Spoilers

An online group is issuing threats to Disney and Lucasfilm, stating that they will continue to post Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens spoilers onto the Internet if their demands are not met.

The group, which calls itself The Alliance to Preserve the Expanded Universe, was set up on Facebook after Disney made the announcement that the Star Wars Expanded Universe was no longer considered canon due to the events of the upcoming movie. The Expanded Universe was a collection of all the various novels, comics and media that existed outside of the Star Wars films, which detailed events outside of Episodes I – VI including the adventures of Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Princess Leia following Return of the Jedi. Considering The Force Awakens features these characters, Disney and Lucasfilm made the decision to no longer consider the entirety of the Expanded Universe as canonical, branding it the ‘Star Wars Legends series’ in the process.

But members of the private Facebook group, which boasts over 3,600 members, are furious about these changes and demand that Disney and Lucasfilm continue to add to the Expanded Universe. According to BleedingCool, members of the group are now planning to post spoilers for the film on the Internet in order to spoil it for fans. One member wrote: “I have held my vivid tongue waiting for the movie, after it’s released, well the gates of hell shall be released 🙂 we can’t really attack the movie (that I know will suck) unless we have seen it, I will see it on Wednesday at midnight Eastern time so I will have all Thursday to spoil it every mistakes before anyone else sees it in the US!!! 🙂 [sic].”

Another member said that any member of the group who decided to watch the movie was a “traitor,” adding: “Airlock to your left scums.”

The Facebook group is closed, but they have been busy posting on other Star Wars-related Facebook pages, leading the Star Wars Hub admin to issue a warning to all individuals who run their own pages, saying: “[I] have received warning that Star Wars pages “for” Episode VII: The Force Awakens, WILL BE TARGETED. By the Facebook group – ‘The Alliance to Preserve the Expanded Universe.'”

Disney and Lucasfilm have been very careful to prevent any spoilers from the movie leaking online, but it seems that this Facebook group are intent on trying to ruin the movie for everyone else; the sad, lonely adult equivalent of a child throwing its toys out of its pram because it’s been asked to share. 

It’s incredibly unlikely that a few thousand belligerent Star Wars “fans” will convince Disney and Lucasfilm to continue with the Expanded Universe, but it seems that the group are going to continue with their nonsense anyway, spoiling everyone else’s fun just because they can’t get what they want. This is why we can’t have nice things, Internet.