Microsoft Unveils HoloLens, the “Most Advanced Holographic Computer the World Has Ever Seen”

Microsoft has unveiled a frankly stunning piece of tech during its Windows event today, which pushes the recent rise of virtual reality headsets even further with its augmented reality tech, combining the virtual world with the real world.

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The company is pitching the HoloLens as “the next PC,” which is a huge statement considering the financial investment Microsoft has in desktops. It’s especially striking given that this announcement was made during an event designed to promote Windows 10, Microsoft’s upcoming operating system. What the tech giant has done here is essentially make a bold leap past virtual reality, giving us a peak at what the future of home computing could look like.

And it looks great:

I’ll always remain skeptical when it comes to technology bolstered by incredibly grandiose claims, and considering this news has come at a time when Google recently announced the demise of its Google Glass wearable, there will be many who will already be pointing out potential flaws with the HoloLens. Look past the inherent issues with replacing a desktop with a wearable, though, and it’s difficult to not be floored by the concept.

Placing the user interface of your PC into your home, allowing you to perform mundane tasks such as check Facebook or Skype a friend with the icons appearing on the walls of your house rather than on a screen in front of you, is almost too good to believe, hence the skepticism. Add to this the demonstrations revealed in the HoloLens’ first commercial, which include transforming an entire living room into a Minecraft world and exploring a digital recreation of Mars (yes, you read that right) and it’s clear that we’re firmly in uncharted territory here.

We shouldn’t expect the HoloLens to come out at any time soon, and we should all remain prepared to be disappointed, but how can you not be excited by the possibilities Microsoft is offering us? Forget Oculus Rift, forget Project Morpheus: this is the VR headset we want, and we want it now.