
RANKED! 8 Essential Coolers That Keep Your Beer (Err, Soda) as Chill as You During Football Season

It’s that time of year again when you start drinking heavily to deal with how poorly your football team is doing. But during those tense moments where you’re locked in front of the television, how are you supposed to break away your gaze long enough to get a fresh cold one? Rather than waste an entire minute walking into the kitchen for a beer, create a calming corner in your man cave equipped with one of these state-of-the-art coolers, so you’ll never again have to miss a play again. Here are our picks for the eight essential coolers to keep your beverages (adult or otherwise) as chill as you.

Photo: Fuse (Getty Images)

Get really regular: Jager Cold Brew Is Here To Take A Crap On Our Coffee Addiction

Game day eats: The Best Beer and Pizza Team-Ups

What’s your go-to receptacle for keeping beverages extra chilly while you’re sweatin’ it? Let us know in the comments!

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