Kellogg’s Apologize After Dude Notices Racist Detail On Corn Pops Box

Photo: Kellogg’s

I’m baffled that people eat Corn Pops as it’s one of the most disgusting cereals out there, but Twitter user and novelist Saladin Ahmed does and he recently noticed one detail about the cereal box that he just had to share.

Ahmed took it to Twitter to show a picture from the back of the cereal box that shows a bizarre scene filled with a bunch of Corn Pops at the mall. And there’s only one brown Corn Pop on the box and it’s the janitor. Damn. Check out the tweet below.

Here’s a closer look at the scene:

Illustration: Twitter

And here’s the detail Ahmed spotted.

Illustration: Twitter

Ahmed also tweeted this:

Kellogg’s didn’t waste anytime in fixing this. Here’s how they responded:

And Ahmed followed up:

But some people didn’t see an issue with the box’s illustration.

What’s your stance on all this?

h/t Someecards

Take that! Racist Idiot On NYC Subway Gets Cup Of Soup Thrown At Him (NSFW Language)