5 Healthiest Alcohol Drinks You Can Have

Photo: Jamie Grill (Getty Images)

Most people believe that alcohol is inherently bad, no matter how much or how little you consume it. Of course, that is simply not true. In fact, a majority of experts in the field (and by that we don’t mean raging alcoholics but proper scientists) agree that alcohol, in small doses, can actually be good for you. It can improve your blood flow, regulate digestion, reduce stress, and much more. So, in light of that, here are some of the healthiest alcohol drinks you can order at a bar.

Vodka and Soda

The first option is for those of you who don’t mind drinking extremely lightly. Chances are your friends will make fun of you, but you will be completely certain it’s a healthy life. What are we talking about? Well, we’re talking about the famous vodka-soda mix. Vodka has an extremely low number of calories, while the soda has none, so this won’t interfere with your weight-losing process in the slightest. The problem is that it’s so light, you might as well drink regular water.

Whiskey and Gin

Obviously, there are more calories in whiskey than in vodka, but not by a lot. What you get with a couple more of these calories is a fuller taste, the one you can think about after every sip and enjoy for a longer time. We don’t need to tell you that a lot depends on what type of whiskey you’re drinking. If the money is no problem, always choose the higher quality ones, because a bad whiskey is worse than no whiskey at all. Of course, in that case, you should also be aiming for bourbons.


This seems overly simplistic, but that’s mainly because it is. Wine is one of the healthiest alcoholic beverages out there. Quality wine-makers go to great lengths to make sure that their product is free of pesticides, additives and anything else. Interestingly, while whiskey and vodka don’t actually contain any nutritional elements, wine does. Iron, potassium, magnesium, antioxidants, flavonoids, nonflavonoids, the wine has it all. It can help you with blood circulation, blood clots, and much more so feel free to order a glass at the bar. You will be doing your body a favor, as long as you don’t overdo it.


Just because the drink is healthy, it doesn’t have to be plain. You can always add a bit of class to your barside manners and order a Manhattan. In case you’ve never had the chance to drink it, Manhattan is a cocktail made out of bourbon, vermouth, and bitters. This is an extremely tasty drink that owes its flavors to high-quality bourbon and vermouth, which is fortified wine. Basically, it’s a regular wine flavored with various distinct herbs. As for the bitters, there are some claims that it has numerous beneficial properties. According to some, it’s good for upset stomach and can even cure hiccups, which makes it a perfect drink for drunkards out there. Try it out and it might just turn out to be your favorite drink.


Now, most people would say that mimosa drink is mainly used for celebrations, but that’s not true. Mimosa can be a tasty drink however and whenever you like. The reason why people say this is because it contains champagne and, therefore, seems exclusive. The most simple recipe for a mimosa consists of champagne and orange juice. This other ingredient may vary, but the most important thing is for it to have a citrus note. Some people swear by using grapefruit in their mimosas, but this is only if you like that bitter taste. Of course, all citrus drinks have a high level of vitamin C, making it an extremely healthy alcoholic drink.

What do you think is the healthiest alcohol drink you’ve ever tasted? Let us know in the comment section below.