10 Essential Household Items Every Man Needs To Look Like He Has His Life Together (Even Though He Doesn’t At All)

Photo: via movieclips.com

We’ve had enough of people telling us we need to get our lives together, so now we’re just going to fake it until we make it. When it comes to essential household items every man needs to look like he’s got his life together, normally we’d say hang up a Nerf basketball hoops and just own it with a pathetically honest portrayal of yourself. But we’re not going to do that today.

Today, we’re going to help you look like you’ve got your life together, even though you probably don’t at all. We’re putting the “man” back in “mandatory,” once again, gentleman. Whether it’s recessed outlets, any number of kits you don’t own or something as simple as your own individual toilet seat, we’re preparing you to go to war with your former self and make you a little more presentable. Enjoy, and have some goddamn respect for yourself for once, man!

10 Essential Household Items Every Man Needs To Look Like He Has His Life Together (Even Though He Doesn’t At All)

So what are you waiting for? Get to shopping!

Oh, and one more thing, guys: 10 Things a Man’s Dream Home Must Have No Matter What


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