Vietnamese Woman Kills Abusive Husband By Squeezing His Balls

The phrase “that’s the way he would have wanted to go” definitely does not apply here.

According to the Daily Mail, a 53-year-old Vietnamese man died Sunday night after his wife squeezed his testicles so hard during a domestic dispute that he barfed up his food and then choked on it.

Tien Giang police said Le Kim Khai became enraged when he returned home Sunday night to find that his wife and two daughters had locked him out of the house. Using a handsaw, Khai eventually made his way through the door and began violently attacking his 55-year-old wife with his fists.

Out of desperation, Khai’s wife reached out for his beanbag, grabbed ahold of it and squeezed as hard as she could for more than five minutes. Even after her husband dropped to his knees in what we can only imagine was an agonizing pain from hell, Phan Thi Kim Chuong continued to squeeze. She even jumped on his stomach to make sure he couldn’t get out of her death grip.

By the time police and EMTs arrived on the scene, Khai had lost consciousness and suffocated on his vomit a short while later. It’s unknown if Chuong will face charges in her husband’s death or if she’ll be teaching effective self-defense courses in the near future.

Friends don’t let friends squeeze their grapes: Dude Squeezes Friend’s Testicles, Gives Him A Heart Attack