Model’s Photo Shoot Gets Interrupted By Two Monkeys Having Sex

As an international supermodel, singer-songwriter and member of the Swedish girl band Timoteij, Cecilia Kallin has no doubt been hounded by some of the planet’s biggest hornballs.

But odds are none of them were as randy or fired up as a pair of gray langur monkeys who crashed the set of her recent photo shoot in India.

According to The Derpiest, Kallin and photographer Jesper Anhede thought they were making magic before a male gray langur jumped in the shot and tried to take her shirt off, but it was nothing compared to what happened next:

The monkey’s female counterpart apparently became insanely jealous and jumped into action, where it showed “no shame.”

“I was, of course, using the moment to take as many photos as I could,” Anhede said. “These moments are usually priceless. Monkeys are extremely quick lovers so I am glad I had my camera ready and managed to catch the moment because I knew this was going to be a great capture. The monkeys were not aggressive but very intense in what they were doing.”

Surprisingly, that is the exact same way my ex-girlfriend described our sexual endeavors.

More from the world of animals humping: Photographer Totally Misses Chance To Capture Two Rhinos Humping


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