Where to Escape the Last of the Summer Heat

Face it — summer’s over. But tell that to your omnipresent back sweat, the tropical storms on both coasts and heat waves in between. You may no longer be able to get away with flip flops in the office, but you’re quite likely still in need of a place to chill out, literally, so here’s a list of unique places to escape the last of the summer heat.

At an Ice Bar (23 degrees)

The Ice Bar concept isn’t new — they’ve popped up all over the world — but if you haven’t been, here’s what to expect: upon arrival you’ll pay a hefty cover; and at the coat check, rather than handing something over, you’ll be given a heavy down jacket, as the temperature inside’s kept below freezing.

Each Ice Bar has its own signature drink, though you may be tempted to order a warming scotch, straight up. In the US there’re Ice Bars in New York and Orlando, and further afield you’ll find them as far flung as Sydney, London, Tokyo and Paris.

At an Indoor Ski Slope (30 degrees)

If you’re serious about shredding, or just totally miss layering, carve it up at an indoor ski slope. The most famous of which, Ski Dubai, features five runs spread over three football fields of fake snow, in the middle of a mall, in the heart of the desert.

An even larger indoor field, complete with a terrain park, is Snow World in Holland. Can’t leave the country (hey, we all got problems)? Mini Mountain’s an indoor ski and snowboard school in Bellevue, Washington where you can cool off and prep for winter.

In Barrow, Alaska

You can also stay stateside (just barely) by heading to the northernmost settlement in all of North America. Barrow’s above the Arctic Circle, so even at its warmest you’ll need a coat (you weenie). Bonus: the sunset’s followed by sunrise in just a few minutes, which is pretty surreal. Downside: there are no bars in Barrow, and locals need a permit to order booze from Fairbanks (500 miles south).