Jenny McCarthy Has Now Come For Mariah Carey For Some Reason


I gave 2017 a lot of credit today, but Jenny McCarthy has trended twice in the first four days of 2017. That is not the way, 2017. That is not the way at all. This being the second time. Why? Because Jenny McCarthy is coming for Mariah Carey‘s talent. I want to reiterate that Jenny McCarthy is shading someone with actual talent. Speak on it, Jenny.

“It’s completely unfair and bulls–t for [Mariah] to blame Dick Clark Productions,” McCarthy said on her Sirius XM show on Tuesday. “I think Mariah was nervous as hell. I think she chose really tough songs to try to sing along with. I think ‘Emotions,’ that song, I mean her voice is not there anymore. I don’t think there is a problem with her inner ears. I just don’t. I think she used it as an excuse.”  “Now I do understand our egos of course want to blame everyone but itself for mistakes,” she explained. “If Dick Clark were alive today, I guarantee he would be on air right now fighting back. He’s not, so I’m going to … I have never seen a production company more supportive of their musical guests. So for her to defame them was so incredibly insulting for the group of people who work their balls off preparing and rehearsing.”…“Mariah didn’t do a sound check. She did whatever you would call like a dance move rehearsal holding her gold microphone, and she stood off to the side of the stage while she had a stand-in do a sound check.”

Obviously, this is way to many words to read since the words came out of Jenny McCarthy’s mouth. The Jenny McCarthy who has probably killed more kids than Obama’s drone program. I prefer 90s Jenny McCarthy when she kept her titties out and her mouth just made fart noises. It was a simpler time. Mark Wahlberg needs to have a talk with his brother and fix this.



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