An Anonymous Disney Star Is Pissed

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ONTD found an anonymous teen star who basically put everyone she knew on blast.

On Demi Lovato:

Basically, Demi’s cocaine habit was pretty much the worst-kept secret at Disney for a few years. The adults in charge knew, but didn’t want to do anything about it because she was so overscheduled (Camp Rock, Sonny with a Chance, her music career, all the extraneous junk she was obligated to do), so they let her do essentially anything she wanted and kept the press away by distracting them with Miley’s “scandals” (which were all pretty tame compared to what Demi was doing, honestly). Her mother did nothing. Demi was her cash cow and she wasn’t going to screw that up. That mom is as bad as Dina Lohan – constantly texting, ignoring her kids, selling Demi’s relationship gossip to blogs in order to make some quick cash. She wouldn’t travel with Madison (her younger daughter who plays Eva Longoria’s kid on Desperate Housewives) and never visited her on the set. As for Demi’s recent rehab stint… call me cynical, but I’m still 50/50 split on whether it was legitimate or just a PR stunt in order to A. get her off her Disney show (which never had phenomenal ratings) and B. give her then-floundering recording career a boost by giving her something to “overcome.” Demi Lovato was an ass a few years ago. She still may be, for that matter. We had a weird encounter at an event (sorry to be so obtuse about this, but… privacy concerns!) wherein she referred to me as “that fatass” and a “fat skank.” I’ll give her that she was probably struggling with her ED at the time, but it was really pretty unnerving and dickish. It was also very obvious that she was on coke and maybe something else (MDMA? Not sure.).

On Justin Bieber:

Okay, so to keep it short – he was the guest on a certain network morning show. Shows up late, comes in with a HUGE ASS ENTOURAGE, smacks one of the crew guys in the stomach and says “Suck it in, bro,” gets on the cameraman’s ass because he doesn’t like the way they’re setting up a shot, and then leaves a mess in the greenroom. I’ve also heard accounts of him locking a particular SNL writer (name rhymes with Ron Julaney) in a dressing room when he was the musical guest on that show, but I can’t confirm that anecdote myself.

Demi Lovato is the beaner Lindsay Lohan (complete with awkward, semiretarded younger sibling), and Justin Bieber is Canadian and an asshole. In other things we already know, Oprah’s fat and the ocean is damp. Did we cover everything?