January Jones’ Baby Daddy Is Married. Of Course.

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There’s only two reasons why a woman won’t reveal the identity of their baby’s father. You’d assume one of those reasons would be, “Because it’s Kevin Federline”, but you’re mistaken. It’s because she doesn’t know who the father is or the father is already married to someone else. Well, January Jones was banging some dude on the set of X-Men: First Class, so that only leaves reason #2: her vagina is a roaring lion seeking to devour any cock that winks at her and says she looks really pretty in that new dress that she thinks makes her look fat. The Daily reports:

It’s no wonder January Jones won’t reveal the identity of the father of her unborn baby. Sources say the dad-to-be is married.

I got an anonymous email last week from someone claiming to have worked on the set of X-Men: First Class and they said the father isn’t part of the cast but part of the crew. Like it matters. Maybe next week January Jones can sell black tar heroin in a school zone or make a down payment on a Saturn. You know, just to fully drive the point home that she might not be the best at making life decisions.