Someone Was Stabbed At Comic Con. Save The Hot People!

Since all anyone is reporting on this weekend is Comic Con, I guess I’ll keep that party going. According to Entertainment Weekly:

Police are investigating an alleged assault inside San Diego Comic-Con’s 6,000-person Hall H that occurred today around 5 p.m. PST. According to San Diego police, one man stabbed another in the face near the eye in a dispute over seating near the rear of the hall. Police say attendees subdued the attacker, who was arrested without further incident, and led out of the hall by police in handcuffs to boos from the crowd, according to an EW reporter on the scene. The victim was taken to the hospital, and the person’s status remains unknown.

I could really make a lot of jokes about sweaty guys who live in their mothers’ basements that make a yearly genesis to this poindexter mecca, but seriously, there is a shit ton of hot people there. Aside from the asshole who became stab happy over a seat in the BACK of the room, this place is a veritable deep end of the gene pool.