Brian Austin Green is Single

You might want to look up. The heavens just parted. Us Magazine reports:

Megan Fox and fiance Brian Austin Green have split, has learned.”The relationship had run its course,” an insider tells Us exclusively. “It’s completely amicable, and they are remaining friends.” Fox, 22 (who’ll reprise her role as Mikaela in this June’s sequel Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen), and Green, 35 (a regular on Fox’s Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles), now “are both focusing on their careers,” the source adds.

I really hope this insider read this from a great scroll after being flown atop a castle rooftop by a great winged steed. And while he read it, the people below cheered and exchanged precious gifts and things as fireworks lit up the sky promising a new day, because let’s face it, this is the best news I’ve heard all day.

I like the last one:


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