Britney Spears is Neglectful and Abusive

In court documents released yesterday, the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services are currently investigating “multiple child abuse and neglect” allegations that have been raised during Britney Spears’ and Kevin Federline’s ongoing child custody case. The investigators have asked the court to unseal specific parts of the case file because they feel Sean Preston and Jayden James will be in danger if left in their mother’s care. Britney doesn’t really like that idea. FOXNews says:

Spears had asked the court to seal the custody and visitation schedules in a declaration filed in October, arguing that “such information greatly increases the chances that the actions of the media could threaten the safety of the children by, for example, causing a traffic accident.”

As you read that quote, please keep in mind that Britney Spears calls the paparazzi ahead of time whenever she leaves the house. They fetch her coffee, they pump her gas, they let her break laws. So, in reality, the “actions of the media” is basically Britney Spears being a self-centered attention whore. The only way she could threaten her kids’ safety more is if she let them play with a needle she found in the park or shot them out of cannon into an alligator swamp.

Update: In other news, Britney’s new BFF, Sam Lufti, is a fucking psycho.

Britney at a gas station yesterday: