Britney Spears is Praying For You

Britney Spears updated her official website today with a ridiculously Photoshopped, topless picture of herself (wearing a wig, natch) which reads as follows:

The reason for this letter is to let everyone know that their prayers have truly helped me. I am so blessed that you care enough about me to be concerned and will continue to live in this brighter state with all of you by my side during this trying time. We are all the lights of the world and we all need to continually inspire others and look to the higher power. You are all in my prayers.


Love, Britney”

It’s no coincidence that Britney’s initials are “B.S.” since everything she is, does and says is bullshit. If Britney Spears exploded, she’d make the Dave Matthews Band tour bus septic tank dump seem like delightful morning dew. It could literally be raining shit one day and people would ask, “Why am I covered in shit?” To which others would reply, “Because of Britney Spears.” And everyone would get it.

Apparently Britney went from wigs back to the nasty ass, not even close to “blonde” hair extensions she loves so much. Here she is at Carl’s Jr. and then on her way to the Millenium Dance Studio yesterday:

And here’s Britney holding *gasp* the mysterious Jayden James Federline. It’s still hard to tell how retarded this kid is since Britney does such a good job hiding him in Rosa the Nanny’s closet. These pictures appear to have been taken from space, but they’ll do for now. The nanny is there with Sean Preston in the first picture.