A German Motor Oil Company Just Released The Hottest NSFW Calendar Ever

Photo: YouTube / LIQUIMOLYwebTV

Don’t take that headline as hyperbole. We know the expression “hottest ever” gets tossed around a lot on the internet — especially with the likes of babes like Kylie Jenner and Chrissy Teigen always trying to one up themselves — but we absolutely mean it this time. In fact, the annual calendar from LIQUI MOLY, a German motor oil and automotive accessories company established in 1957, is so NSFW that we can’t even show you any of the photos here. But never fear, as they’ve got all the pictures from said calendar on full display at their official LIQUI MOLY website. And we do mean full. The physical calendar is also available for purchase on the site, which also features the international versions of the calendar that are a little bit more SFW. Not that you’d necessarily be smart to hang them around the office.

In the meantime, LIQUI MOLY also released a behind-the-scenes video of the calendar’s photo shoot. Fortunately, it’s not nearly as raunchy, so it should tide you over until you can get to a safe space to look at the photos linked to above.

LIQUI MOLY 2017 NSFW Calendar Photo Shoot:

h/t Maxim

Speaking of sexy videos featuring many scantily clad women: A Bunch Of Strippers Did The Mannequin Challenge And We Have No Issue With It At All


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