Sexpert Says Sex With Robots Will Be Normal In 50 Years

They’ve come a long way since the Tin Man, baby.

It sounds like lube sales are going to be out of this world 50 years from now, and that’s because one expert on the psychology of sex says that sex with robots will be “socially acceptable” by 2070.

According to The Independent, that same expert thinks that sex with robots might even become more popular than doing it with other human beings.

“As virtual reality becomes more realistic and immersive and is able to mimic and even improve on the experience of sex with a human partner, it is conceivable that some will choose this in preference to sex with a less than perfect human being,” Dr. Helen Driscoll at the University of Sunderland said. “People may also begin to fall in love with their virtual reality partners.”

Driscoll added that since robots can be programmed to be “down for whatever” and “perform an infinite number of positions and experiences,” odds are they will be preferred by many over their human counterparts.

Plus, they can probably be programmed to let you watch football afterward without giving you a massive guilt trip.

​It sounds a hell of a lot safer than having sex with a scarecrow: Man Dies After Having Sex With Scarecrow


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