Woman Puts Camera in Her Bra to See How Many People Check Her Out

Nestlé has released a new video to raise breast cancer awareness, which shows a woman using a hidden “bra cam” to catch men, woman (and even children) taking sly glances at her boobs. 

The video ends with the message: “Your breasts are checked out every day. So, why not check your own?” While it’s sort of successfully doing its job, there are a number of issues with it. Firstly, the woman in question is wearing a bright pink bra. Who’s not going to look at that? While I have no doubt that many of these people were “checking her out,” the majority were probably simply gawking at her loud choice in clothing, because humans are a lot like magpies. We enjoy shiny things.

Secondly, isn’t this a little bit disrespectful to those who have suffered with breast cancer and may have undergone a mastectomy? I’m probably somewhat over-thinking this, but it’s still a rather strange – albeit pretty hilarious – commercial. Seriously, just take a look at Businessman A and Businessman B having a good ol’ stare: 

Pair of dirty dogs.