First Look: Nightcrawler # 2

Thanks to the events in Amazing X-Men, Nightcrawler is back among the living and starring in his own ongoing series from Chris Claremont and Todd Nauck.

If you missed the first issue, the short version is that Nightcrawler is adjusting to his second chance at life and he was reunited with his former lover, Amanda Sefton right before an attempt was made on her life. And apparently, Amanda isn’t the only one close to Nightcrawler who is in danger. 

Marvel has released a brief preview of Nightcrawler # 2, which kicks off with a double page splash of Nightcrawler’s history with Amanda. For those of you not familiar with this backstory, Nightcrawler was adopted by the sorceress/gypsy queen, Margali Szardos and raised in the circus alongside his foster sister, Jimaine. Years later, Jimaine changed her name to Amanda Sefton and started dating Nightcrawler. Sure it’s a little weird, but… comics everyone!

Oh yeah, and Amanda is also a superheroine formerly known as Daytripper and Magik, with powers of her own. She’s even a former member of Excalibur.

I also have to say, Todd Nauck is killing it on these pages.

Nightcrawler # 2 hits on May 14.