Tech Squibs: Crayola Digitools Make Good Kiddie Holiday Gifts

SQUIB: a : a short humorous or satiric writing or speech; b : a short news item. (Merriam-Webster)

This Tech Squib reminds you to think about the little people in your life. And, I don’t mean Warwick Davis.

Somebody at Crayola The Crayola Digitools collection offers a set of stylus tools and other iOS friendly gimmicks that interact with a suite of free apps turning a tablet or smartphone into a multimedia coloring book. The Digitools range from $40 through $10 and a sturdy enough for even the most hyped up offspring.

I tried the units out with a collection of nephews. The verdict? The five year old struggled with the necessary dexterity to operate the stylus tips. Kids older than that took to the items instinctively. The Crayola Digitools set will entertain kids maybe seven years or older. If you some whippets of that age with an iOS device, these are affordable, appealing youth friendly gadgets.


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