$199 PS3 Confirmed… But It Only Has a 12GB Hard Drive

Want a brand new PS3, but don’t want to waste all your saved gaming funds? Well that may not be a problem when August 18th rolls around.

At this point of the year we all might be dodging the purchase of a new system because of the new generation that will be releasing soon. However it has been leaked from a few retailers in the United States and Canada that Sony will be releasing a new 12GB version of the PlayStation 3 within the next few days. Thanks to Engadget, it was found that the pricing of this system will be at $199, which is well within the range of affordability for many consumers looking for a great holiday gift.

Even though Sony has yet to formally announce this, it has existed in parts of Asia and Europe since last Fall. So if you have been wanting to get your hands on some of those epic PS3 games, but $249 was just outside your comfort zone, then now is your chance to get caught up on all the exclusives.