Showtime Debuts ‘Dexter’ Season 7 Trailer

Last season on “Dexter,” Debra Morgan (Jennifer Carpenter) developed some wildly inappropriate romantic feelings for her adopted brother, Dexter Morgan (Michael C. Hall)… shortly before she walked in on Dexter murdering the Doomsday Killer, Travis Marshall (Colin Hanks).

So, instead of needing years of therapy, Debra will have to watch her back… and she’ll probably need years of therapy too.

After holding back all summer, Showtime has finally released the first “Dexter” season 7 trailer, and it is full of spoilers about what’s coming up for Dexter and Debra. Suffice to say, Dexter’s killing streak won’t end with Travis and even Dexter isn’t sure whether he will have to silence his sister permanently.

Also of note, Dexter leaves behind a clue that may reignite the Bay Harbor Butcher case, while Debra makes an important connection to the Ice Truck Killer from the first season.


“Dexter” returns to Showtime on Sunday, September 30.